Medtech-iQ Pōneke Wellington
The Pōneke Wellington hub expands on Medtech-iQ Aotearoa's commitment to 'community engagement, participation and co-design' with a co-lab as a trans-institutional shared facility at Wellington Regional Hospital. It will facilitate research 'on location' by bringing together researchers and students with clinicians and patients to solve real life health problems emerging within community and clinical settings.
Our hub will call on a multi-disciplinary regional collaboration with:
Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Otago, Wellington
Massey University
Our capital city location offers real opportunity to work with government organisations such as Te Whatu Ora's Emerging Health Technology and Innovation Group or Te Aka Whai Ora, or to capitalise on synergies with our internationally acknowledged Digital Creative Sector.
Our Areas of Strength
Digital mental health.
Human-centred design.
Design-led applications of emerging digital technologies.
AI and big data for healthcare.
Serious games.
3D and 4D pringing for simulation and data analysis.