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The Future Leaders have released a call for abstracts for oral and poster presentation open to all postgraduate students and early- to mid- career researchers (EMCRs) in the medtech and brain health research spaces. There are eight HealthTech Week speaking spots and travel funding up for grabs! Find out more here.

Make sure to check out the programme for HealthTech Week 2024 here.

HealthTech Week 2024 Speaker Spotlight

Professor Tahu Kukutai (Ngāti Tiipa, Ngāti Māhanga, Ngāti Kinohaku, Te Aupōuri)

Pou Matarua (Co-Director) Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

As a world-renowned authority on Indigenous and Māori statistics, her work reshapes perceptions of data among Māori, empowering governance and iwi entities for policy and development. Tahu's leadership extends globally, a recipient of the prestigious 2023 Beatrice Hill Tinsley Medal, Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi, Life Member of the Population Association of New Zealand and one of 19 Global Leaders of digital human rights. See more here

Dr Heba Khamis

CEO and co-founder of Contactile

A researcher, engineer and entrepreneur who has made significant contributions to the field of robotics and bio-inspired tactile sensors. Heba is also the CEO and co-founder of Contactile, a UNSW Sydney spin-out that is revolutionising the way robots interact with the world around them. Contactile is enabling robotic dexterity by giving robots a human sense of touch, which is critical for their ability to perform complex tasks and operate in real-world environments. See more here

Ngā takunetanga | Events

Research Acceleration Programme (RAP)

The calendar for 2024 can be found on our website.

Stage I Next deadline Monday 12pm 27th May 2024

  • Templates and guidelines are available on our website.

  • This is an open call for proposals, and submissions can be made at any time. Proposals are reviewed every two months and awarded within 4 weeks.

  • Stage I funding supports the formation of new collaborative relationships between researchers, clinicians, companies and/or partnerships with Māori and Pacific communities.

Stage II 

Request for proposals is now closed for the current round. The next RfP will be released May 2024.

Note that all submissions must follow the processes of the PI’s institution. Internal deadlines for review will be earlier than our deadline for submission.


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