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Future Leaders

The Future Leaders module supports early- and mid-career researchers (EMCRs) in healthtech.


Our vision is to establish a nation-wide, transdisciplinary network of medtech and neuroscience EMCRs where effective collaboration and engagement with relevant communities across Aotearoa is promoted.


To achieve this we will be hosting events that encourage networking and collaboration across disciplines and institutions and provide practical training to equip EMCRs with the skills to establish new research collaborations with high impact.

Events and Initiatives

Future Leaders Workshop 

Practical advice for transdisciplinary collaboration and how to establish new research collaborations with high impact and provide an opportunity for medtech and neuroscience EMCRs from around the country to meet in person and encourage networking. 

Māori Cultural Competency Workshops

A two-day programme targeted towards EMCRs to develop and strengthen Māori cultural competency in research. 

Speaker Series

A series of online and in-person events featuring speakers covering themes that are relevant to EMCRs. Provides practical advice about transdisciplinary collaboration and how to establish new research collaborations with high impact. An opportunity for EMCRs from around Aotearoa to meet virtually and in-person on a regular basis. Subscribe to the mailing list below to be notified of these events.

Past Events

2022 Speaker Series 

#1 The First Step: An Entrepreneur's Journey

New Zealand's HealthTech sector is continuing to grow with the development of new start-ups each year. However, knowing when to take the first step to commercialise your technology can be difficult. This installation of the Series was an in-depth panel discussion to hear from three key NZ entrepreneurs on how they took an idea to a sustainable, established company, the challenges they faced, the support available, and much more.

#2 The Story of Mātai: Bringing Science to the Community

Associate Professor Samantha Holdsworth and Dr Josh McGeown discuss their experiences of building and working with transdisciplinary teams within Mātai, a medical imaging research and education centre based in Tairāwhiti-Gisborne.

#3 RAP Funding: What is it and how do I get it?

Hear from EMCRs, both brain researchers and medtech researchers, who have been awarded RAP funding in 2022. You will also hear from Denise Taylor, who is part of the assessment panel and co-lead of the RAP Executive Committee.

Module Leads


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