Article by Ian Hutchby, Health NZ
For three hours on Tuesday 12th March 2024 the lecture theatres at Ko Awatea were buzzing with over 130 people attending the TIKI (Technology Innovation and Knowledge Interchange) tour, a showcase of New Zealand based innovation. The attendees came from across the metro Auckland region with staff from Middlemore, Auckland city and North Shore Hospitals in attendance along with staff from the University of Auckland and AUT. It was a truly multidisciplinary function with Doctors, nurses, allied health and support staff all in attendance.
The showcase has a strict New Zealand born and locally developed philosophy having been born out of feedback that clinicians were interested in understanding what technology was being developed and researched locally. At the showcase fourteen groups presented their latest developments/innovations with the eager attendees, with many providing hands on interactions. Feedback from the attendees indicated that the presenters were very knowledgeable and provided an excellent experience. Everyone was keen to attend future showcases. with one of the attendees even commenting “Loved it. Like to see more of something like this at bigger scale.”
Showcases included:
Apercure Surgical
Ara Manawa
Diabetic foot ulcer monitoring solution
Digital Twins
EXGWare: Advancing sensing of bioelectrical signals
Gait and Balance
Improving diagnosis of heart disease
Improving Health Services of People of Larger Size: Bariatric virtual reality education and training tools
LEAPS: Low-cost equitable artificial pancreas sensor
NeuralXR: Virtual reality therapy for rehabilitation from traumatic brain injuries
The Insides Company
Whānau Tahi