Our RAP Stage I Collaboration and Ideation proposal submissions close 12pm 30th May. The funding guideline documents are on our website – please reach out to medtechresearchnetwork@auckland.ac.nz if you have any questions.

The Te Tītoki Mataora team can’t wait to finally celebrate the new collaborations coming out of the Medtech and Aotearoa Brain Project networks and we want everyone to be able to join us. That’s why we’ve slashed the prices of admission to the 3-day Forum to $250 (incl GST) for general admission and $115 (incl GST) for students and ECRs! Find the overview of the Te Tītoki Mataora Forum here and check out our programmes here.
How to register for Healthtech Week:
1. Click on the ‘Get your ticket now’ link below.
2. Fill in your information.
3. Select Discount Group from the drop-down menu. Select Te Tītoki Mataora General Admission or Te Tītoki Mataora ECR/Student (ECRs are <10 years post-PhD, accounting for career breaks)
4. Choose the third to last event in the list: 2022 Te Tītoki Mataora Forum 3 Day Full Registration EARLY BIRD (ends 31 May 2022)
For STUDENTS and EARLY-CAREER RESEARCHERS we are also offering travel funding assistance to those outside of Auckland who would like to attend the Forum but are unable to access travel funds. Please reach out to medtechresearchnetwork@auckland.ac.nz . Our call for abstracts from those engaged in research and development of medical related technologies and/or brain research has been extended to Friday 27th May 4pm so students and ECRs can take full advantage of the early-bird offer. Please use the attached template and email to medtechresearchnetwork@auckland.ac.nz . All applicants will be notified of outcomes and next steps by Friday 3 June 2022.
Early-bird registrations close 31st May! Get your ticket now.
Upcoming Events
TTM Commercial Translation Speaker Series: IP Considerations and Strategy Thursday 26th May 12pm – 1pm For health technology start-ups, intellectual property (IP) is an important asset however, it can come with many questions; What does IP include? When should I consider IP protection? What does the process look like? Where can I go for assistance? This is a common challenge for early stage innovations and one to be prepared for when beginning your commericalisation journey. Find out more and register here.
TTM Manaaki Sessions for Clinicians and Researchers Next session 2nd June 7pm Who are you as a Tiriti partner and how does Te Tiriti apply to your research and/or clinical work? The manaaki sessions are a safe online space for both Māori and non-Māori alike to participate in open discussions around our understandings and experiences of Te Tiriti. You are welcome to attend as many sessions as you like, no preparation, registration, or homework required! Find out how to join and see the schedule on our events page here. Please feel free to contact Misty directly for more information: misty@iue.net.nz
ISRII ECR Event: So, how’d you get your job? Tuesday 31st May 7pm NZ time The International Society for Research into Internet Interventions is hosting an international event across Europe, Australian and New Zealand for early career researchers (ECRs) to meet other ECRs and hear from senior researchers about their career journey in the digital intervention research and development space. This will cover questions such as: What would you have liked to know at the beginning regarding the development of an academic career? What challenges you have faced as an early career researcher? What can early career researchers do to maximize their chances of a long and successful research career? More information & registration here.
As always, the Te Tītoki Mataora (TTM) team is here if you have any questions or comments you would like to share.
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